All Spoken Here
Embrace language diversity by fostering a world where every voice is heard, and barriers are replaced with bridges of understanding through the transformative power of Pocketalk’s translation technology.
Descarga las insignias
Descripción general
- #AllSpokenHere. It’s as simple as that. To be able to have a conversation, no matter the language you speak, and no matter where you are in the world. From businesses to classrooms, we are creating spaces where language is not an obstacle; it’s an invitation
- Pocketalk’s #AllSpokenHere stickers and digital badges boldly declare that the space or individual embraces 84+ languages and actively encourages conversations in any of them. The badges aim to make everyone feel welcome, no matter their native language
- Podemos amplificar todas las voces promoviendo la inclusión y adoptando un mundo donde todos los idiomas sean bienvenidos. Únase a nosotros para crear un mundo donde el idioma sea un puente, no una barrera: #AllSpokenHere.

Get involved
- Puede participar en el movimiento #AllSpokenHere mostrando su insignia, tanto física como digital, para promover el lenguaje inclusivo.
- Comparta sus historias, fotografías e iniciativas en las redes sociales, utilizando el hashtag (#AllSpokenHere), para amplificar el impacto de crear un mundo donde se eliminen las barreras del idioma.
- Want to amplify your work even further? Share your success stories by emailing for an opportunity to be featured on Pocketalk’s social media channels, blog, newsletter, or collaborative public relations.
Descarga de activos #AllSpokenHere
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